Sunday, July 5, 2015

Hudson's School Year Wrap Up

Hudson had such a fun year at school this year!  He had all of his friends in his class, and he was constantly updating me with his tales about his buddies.  He kept working hard on his letters after he got his Phonics Book in November, he played a lot, and he has some pretty great friends.

In a total Mom Fail, I completely spaced on the day of his Spring Conference.  The other kids were at school, it was on a Tuesday (which was his typical day off), and honestly, I just forgot.  Fortunately for me, I was up and dressed and on my way to Target when his teacher called and asked where I was :).  His conference was great, I learned that he was doing really well, and that overall, he's just a really nice kid.  The funniest thing about his conference though, was his answer to his name:
Because that isn't his middle name.  His teacher and his teacher assistant both even asked him if he said Brian or Ryan, thinking he may have been named after Brian.  Nope.  He was like, "RY-AN.  RY-AN."  Totally made up his own name,  When Reese asked him why, he said, "Because I can't say Ellsworth!"  Except, he totally could.  CRAZY kid.

He even managed to snag a reader near the end of the year.  I was so happy because it was ALL he talked about.  He only had it for a handful of days, but he wants to stay on top of it this summer.   And Reesie is a really great helper when it comes to his reading lessons!
And here he is on the last day of school.  He grew up so much this year, but I can't believe that it was his last year with days off during the week. Next up?  Pre-K 5 days a week next year!  He is unbelievably excited, crazy kid!

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